


Hi! We're Layover. We are an Internet Company and we make software.

We're a tiny independent product studio run by Joel Benjamin D'souza (goes by Ben) and Basile Samel (goes by Baz) . We're multi-disciplinary product people who enjoy creating and experimenting with new products.


Software is a medium through which we express ourselves. We're big fans of engineering, art, history, obscure references, and culture. We try to imbue these things in our work. Just as an artist paints on a canvas,we paint on the web. We take pleasure in creating unique product experiences for our users and customers.

The internet is our outlet, it is a garden we care about deeply and we try to cultivate it. Even if it's a small patch of land we stand on. We're gardeners, we try to remove the weeds around us. We can't control what's out there but we have the responsibility to create good experiences for people.

All of this may sound a little pretentious, but think about it - shouldn't we water the patch of grass we stand on? Only then we can see the thriving meadow. This isn't a manifesto. We don't like being preachy. This is how we feel. And we'll do it one step at a time.


Otto, since forever

A productivity app designed to help people with focus and getting started with tasks. But it doesn't stop there! Otto is also a little companion, a little friend for a wandering mind.

Untitled1, TBD, NULL

Tpguxbsf jt b ofejvo uispvhi xijdi xf fyqsftt pvstfnwft. Xf"sf cjh gbmt pg fmhjmffsjmh, bsu, ijtupsz, pctdvsf sfgfsfmdft, bme dvnuvsf. Xf usz up jocvf uiftf uijmht jm pvs xpsl.

Untitled2, TBD, NULL

Bme uipv xpvnetu btl oz dpvmtfn, xibu bo j up ep! xibu tdifof dbm j efwjtf. xifsf gjme pmf! up tbwf uiztfng cfjmh tusjqqfe pg uiz dpoobme bme nptjmh uiz gbjs gbof.

We make software. for your needs. SERIOUS and FUN.